Our Carpets

Please note:

CfC has formally ceased carpet making operations in Cambodia. The project depended on huge amounts of volunteer time, including from the founding team and we need to move on with our lives – it was a really tough decision for us and we kept trying long after we should have stopped. All the producers were paid and spent 1-2 years transitioning out of carpet making into other livelihoods. We have been and are still selling off the remaining rugs to fund scholarships, pay off a couple of small loans and fund future projects – in that order.

(use discount code FINALCLEARANCE for 60% off all remaining stock)

There were some great outcomes from the project, including creating hundreds of years of education and some of the children making it to and completing university. We are grateful for the support of all our customers and want to say a final heartfelt thank you to all the hundreds of volunteers that made CfC so successful for so long.


Our plush, hand-hooked cotton rugs are made in various sizes and shapes and come in an endless range of colors. Each rug is made from cotton t-shirt off-cuts, used hessian rice sacks and cotton thread. By up-cycling these materials we create unique, eco-friendly and high quality rugs.

The hand-hooking process is a very intricate and labor intensive process. Taking approximately 20-30 hours to complete 1m2 using no industrial machinery. Time, love and a lot of skill is put into each carpet, making them very durable and personal. Our carpets are machine washable and can be vacuumed.

We are proud of our rugs and the individuals that make them. Carpets for Communities is a recognized member of the Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand and creates opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers. With each rug being handmade by selected individuals, each rug is either limited to a few or completely unique and with each unique rug comes a unique and personal story about the family who made it.

Watch this video to see what the hand-hooking process looks like, visit our online store to check out the latest selection of rugs on offer.

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